
Get maps, directions, and traffic info delivered straight to your Slack channel

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Available commands:

/drive [Start Address] > [Finish Address]

/walk [Start Address] > [Finish Address]

/bike [Start Address] > [Finish Address]

/transit [Start Address] > [Finish Address]

/mapme [Address]

/save [Label] > [Address]


Get directions between 2 locations

Just pick your mode of transportation, followed by your Start and Finish addresses separated with a ">":

/bike 123 N Main St > 456 S Main St

Save time by saving locations

Just type the save command followed by the label and the address separated with a ">":

/save work > 456 S Main St

The next time you want to use it with any of our direction commands, just use the label you gave it:

/drive work > home

If you want to see the locations you've saved so far, simply use the /mylocations command:


Get the general layout of a location

Use our static map generator /mapme command followed by the address:

/mapme 123 N Main St

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